A Pevex garden stove will bring warmth and enjoyment to your outside garden area.

With the popularity of outdoor living these days, the Pevex garden stove range offers a great choice to really enhance the alfresco way of life that we all crave and want to enjoy.

Pevex’s brand new garden stove collection has been designed and built in the UK, and made from robust Corten steel that is designed to form a natural waterproof patina over its surface over time. The stoves are available in two heights and either as a 3 or 4-sided glass window model with additional options available.

The stoves feature a built in air wash over each window which gives clear viewing of the fire burning brightly and cleanly in the large fire chamber. Warmth is generated through the glass windows and as the heat radiates from the steel body warming you through allowing you to sit back and relax or stand in comfort around the stove.

Pevex Garden Stove

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Outdoor Living Barn is an authorised retailer of Pevex garden stoves. For full details and pricing on the Pevex garden stoves please call us on 01258 840016 or send us a quick enquiry below.